French pronouns en and y

The French pronouns en and y can be a little bit difficult to differentiate for my students sometimes so here’s a couple of explanations about when you should use them.

The french pronouns en and y are used to replace a noun or a group of nouns.

  1. The y pronoun is used to replace a place.
  • Je suis déjà allé à Madrid (I’ve already been to Madrid)
  • -> J’y suis déjà allé (I’ve already been there)
  • Je vais aller en France (I’m going to go to France)
  • -> Je vais y aller (I’m going to go there)

Sometimes we use the y pronoun in others situations like:

  • Je vais y penser (I am going to thing about it)
  • Je vais y réfléchir (I am going to reflect on it)
  • J’y vais (I am on my way)
  1. The en pronoun is used to replace an element of the sentence starting with “de”:
  • On a parlé de leurs vacances en Australie. On en a parlé.
  • We talked about their holiday in Australia. We talked about it.

Or a countable element.

  • J’ai acheté trois poires. J’en ai acheté trois.
  • I bought three pears. I bought three (of them).

Find my other articles about the French pronouns here.

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