Tout, toute, tous, toutes in French

Tout as an adjective

When “tout” is used as an adjective it agrees with the gender and number of the noun it is linked to.

  • Tout le train (masculine). All the train.
  • Toute la table (feminine). All the table.
  • Tous les livres (masculine plural). All the books.
  • Toutes les fleurs (feminine plural). All the flowers.

Tout as a pronoun

When “tout” is used as a pronoun, it replaces a masculine or feminine plural group or a neutral group.

  • Ils sont tous sympas (masculine plural). They are all nice.
  • Elles sont toutes drôles (feminine plural). They are all funny.
  • Tu as tout compris (neutral). You understood everything.

Tout as an adverb

When “tout” is used as an adverb it is invariable.

  • Ce produit est tout nouveau (singular). This product is brand new.
  • Ces produits sont tout nouveaux (plural). These products are brand new.

Expressions with tout

Here are some common expressions with “tout”:

  • Tout le temps. All the time.
  • Tout le monde. Everybody.
  • Tout de suite. Right now.
  • Tout d’un coup. Suddenly.
  • Tout à l’heure. Later/earlier.
  • En tout cas. In any case.
  • C’est tout. That’s all.

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