Personal pronouns in French

Here are how french personal pronouns match with their equivalent in the English language:

Pronoms personnelsPersonal pronouns
Je, j’I
Il, elle, onHe, She
Ils, ellesThey

Difference between tu and vous

“Tu” is the singular form of “you” which we use most of the time.

“Vous” is the plural form of “you” and also the singular form for formal situations.

For example, it might be more appropriate to use “vous” to talk to someone in the situations bellow:

  • When you buy something from someone like in a shop, a restaurant, a bar, etc.
  • When you meet someone in the street.
  • When you want to talk to your teacher.
  • When you speak to the boss of your company.
  • Other formal situations.

The thing is “Tu” and “Vous” are a bit tricky to use sometimes (even for natives) because depending on the situation and their personality, people are not necessarily use the same pronouns.

However, when you’re not sure, you can start by using “vous” to talk to someone and then ask them if you can use “tu”.
For example you can ask:

  • Est ce que l’on peut se tutoyer ? Can we use “tu” to talk to each other?

On vs nous

In spoken French and most of the time, French speakers use “on” instead of “nous” to say “we” like for example:

  • On va au restaurant. We go to the restaurant.

“Nous”, as a personal pronoun, is used in formal oral situations or in written French.

Talking about animals

When we talk about animals in the French language we always use either “il” or “elle” depending on the gender of the animal. It is different from the English language when you use “he” and “she” only for pets and then “it” for other animals. For examples:

  • Le chien est gentil. Il est gentil. The dog is nice. He is nice.
  • La chienne est gentille. Elle est gentille. The dog is nice. She is nice.
  • Le rouge-gorge chante. Il chante. The bird sings. It sings.
  • La mésange chante. Elle chante. The great tit sings. It sings.

Find my other articles about the French pronouns here.

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