Passé composé vs imparfait in French

Passé composé and imparfait are the two main past tenses used in spoken French.

Here is how to conjugate and use them:

Passé composé


To conjugate the passé composé, you need to conjugate either the avoir or être auxiliaries in the present tense and add the past participle.

Passé composé = avoir or être (in the present tense) + past participle

Pronoms personnelsAvoir (to have)Être (to be)Aller (to go)
Je, j’ai euai étésuis allé
Tuas euas étées allé
Il, elle, ona eua étéest allé
Nousavons euavons étésommes allé
Vousavez euavez étéêtes allé
Ils, ellesont euont étésont allé
Pronoms personnels1er groupe2ème groupe3ème groupe
Parler (to talk)Finir (to finish)Prendre (to take)
Je, j’ai parléai finiai pris
Tuas parléas finias pris
Il, elle, ona parléa finia pris
Nousavons parléavons finiavons pris
Vousavez parléavez finiavez pris
Ils, ellesont parléont finiont pris


We use the passé composé when we talk about an action in the past.

For example:

  • J’ai fini mes devoirs hier. I finished my homework yesterday.
  • On est allé à Paris l’année dernière. We went to Paris last year.

We use the avoir auxiliary with most verbs to conjugate the passé composé but some verbs need the être auxiliary, like verbs of motion and stative verbs in the list bellow:

Naître/MourirTo be born/To die
Aller/VenirTo go/To come
Revenir/Retourner/RentrerTo come back/To go back
Monter/Remonter/Descendre/RedescendreTo climb/To go down
Arriver/Partir/RepartirTo arrive/To leave
Entrer/SortirTo go in/To go out
ApparaîtreTo appear
ResterTo stay
Tomber/RetomberTo fall

For example:

  • Je suis resté là-bas deux heures. I stayed there for two hours.

Être is also used with reflexive verbs, for instance:

  • Je me suis réveillé à 8h. I woke up at 8am.

The past participle ends in “é” for the verbs belonging to the first group like “parler”. For the second group like “finir”, it ends in “i”. It is more complicated for verbs belonging to the third group. Since they have different endings, you need to learn the past participle by heart.

The good thing is that some of the verbs belonging to the third group have the same ending.

For example:

  • Verbs which have a past participle ending in “u“, such as vouloir, pouvoir, savoir, connaître, voir, croire, devoir, entendre, vendre, lire: voulu, pu, su, connu, vu, cru, dû, entendu, vendu, lu.
  • Verbs which have a past participle ending in “is“, such as prendre, apprendre, comprendre: pris, appris, compris.



To conjugate the imparfait you need to take out of the infinitive the ending of the infinive and add the following endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.

It is easier with verbs of the first group since you always taken out -er and add the ending of the imparfait like parler = je parlais

For the verbs of the second group you need to add iss like finir = je fin- iss – ais = je finissais

Lastly, for the verbs of the third group and for auxiliaries you need to learn them.

Pronoms personnelsAvoir (to have)Être (to be)Aller (to go)
Je, j’avaisétaisallais
Il, elle, onavaitétaitallait
Ils, ellesavaientétaientallaient
Pronoms personnels1er groupe2ème groupe3ème groupe
Parler (to talk)Finir (to finish)Prendre (to take)
Je, j’parlaisfinissaisprenais
Il, elle, onparlaitfinissaitprenait
Ils, ellesparlaientfinissaientprenaient


We use the imparfait to talk about our memories like for example:

  • Quand j’étais jeune, j’avais un chat. When I was young, I had a cat.

Or to talk about something repetitive, like:

  • Il y a 5 ans, tous les samedis matin j’allais à la boulangerie acheter des croissants. 5 years ago, every Saturday morning I was going to the bakery to buy some croissants.

Besides, we use the imparfait to describe a situation in the past. For instance:

  • Je dormais (imparfait/description) quand mon chien m’a réveillé (passé composé/action). I was sleeping when my dog woke me up.

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