Negative form in French

We form the negative by using “ne” and “pas” in French. Here is in the table below the structure of the negative form for the main French tenses:

TempsForme affirmativeForme négativeNegative Form
PrésentJe parleJe ne parle pasI do not talk
Passé composéJ’ai parléJe n’ai pas parléI did not talk
ImparfaitJe parlaisJe ne parlais pasI was not talking
Futur procheJe vais parlerJe ne vais pas parlerI am not going to talk
Futur simpleJe parleraiJe ne parlerai pasI will not talk

Also, the “ne” becomes “n’” when it is in front of a vowel or a silent h like for examples:

  • Je n’ai pas parlé. I did not talk.
  • Nous n’habitons pas là. We do not live there.

Negative form with “aucun.e.s”, “jamais”, “personne”, “plus” and “rien”

We don’t use the word “pas” to form the negative with the words aucun.e.s (none), jamais (never), personne (nobody), plus (anymore) and rien (nothing).

  • Je n’ai aucune idée. I have no idea.
  • Elle ne boit jamais de café. She never drinks coffee.
  • Vous ne parlez à personne. You don’t talk to anybody.
  • Nous ne regardons plus la télé. We don’t watch tv anymore.
  • Je ne pense à rien. I am not thinking about anything.

Absence of the “ne” in spoken French

Often French speakers don’t pronounce the “ne” in spoken French like for example:

  • Je sais pas. I don’t know.

Nevertheless, in written French, you have to write it.

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