French prepositions for countries, cities and continents

The 4 different prepositions we use in French for countries, states, provinces, cities and continents are: “en“, “au“, “aux” and “à“.

1. Countries, states and provinces

  1. First, we use the preposition “en” in front of feminine names or masculine which start with a vowel, for instance:
  • En France (feminine) / In France
  • En Équateur (masculine) / In Equator
  • En Californie (feminine) / In California
  • En Ontario (masculine) / In Ontario

Generally, country names ending in “e” are feminine but there are a couple of exceptions like “le Mexique”.

  1. We use the preposition “au” in front of masculine names that do not start with a vowel like:
  • Au Portugal (masculine) / In Portugal
  • Au Brésil (masculine) / In Brazil
  • Au Texas (masculine) / In Texas
  • Au Québec (masculine) / In Quebec
  1. Also, we use the preposition “aux” in front of plural names, for example:
  • Aux États-Unis (plural) / In the United States
  • Aux Pays-Bas (plural) / In the Netherlands
  1. Lastly, we use the preposition “à” in front of country names without an article like:
  • À Malte / In Malta
  • À Madagascar / In Madagascar

2. Cities

We also use the preposition “à“ in front of every city names, like:

  • À Paris / In Paris
  • À Sidney / In Sidney

3. Continents

To finish, we use the French preposition “en” in front of every continent, for example:

  • En Asie / In Asia
  • En Afrique / In Africa

Find my other post about French grammar here.

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