20 positive adjectives to describe a person in french

Here are 20 positive adjectives to describe a person in french:

Il/elle est ambitieux/se[ɑ̃bisjø/jøz]He/she is ambitious
Il/elle est prudent/te[pʀydɑ̃/ɑ̃t]He/she is cautious
Il/elle est intelligent/ente[ɛ̃teliʒɑ̃/ɑ̃t]He/she is clever
Il/elle est confiant/te[kɔ̃fjɑ̃/jɑ̃t]He/she is confident
Il/elle est drôle[dʀol]He/she is funny
Il/elle est franc/che[fʀɑ̃/fʀɑ̃ʃ]He/she is frank
Il/elle est gentil/ille[ʒɑ̃ti/ij]He/she is kind
Il/elle est généreux/euse[ʒeneʀø/øz]He/she is generous
Il/elle est honnête[ɔnɛt]He/she is honest
Il/elle est modeste[mɔdɛst]He/she is modest
Il/elle est sympa[sɛ̃pa]He/she is nice
Il/elle est ouvert/te d’esprit[uvɛʀ/ɛʀt dɛspʀi]He/she is open-minded
Il/elle est optimiste[ɔptimist]He/she is optimistic
Il/elle est patient/te[pasjɑ̃/jɑ̃t]He/she is patient
Il/elle est poli/ie[pɔli]He/she is polite
Il/elle est sincère[sɛ̃sɛʀ]He/she is sincere
Il/elle est romantique[ʀɔmɑ̃tik]He/she is romantic
Il/elle est sociable[sɔsjabl]He/she is sociable
Il/elle est respectueux/euse[ʀɛspɛktɥø/øz]He/she is respectful
Il/elle est compréhensif/ive[kɔ̃pʀeɑ̃sif/iv]He/she is understanding
*IPA : International Phonetic Alphabet

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