Possessive determiners and pronouns in French

Here are in the table bellow the possessive determiners in French:

Possessive determiners

MasculinFémininPlurielPossessive determiners
SonSaSesHis, her, its

A possessive determiner is linked to a noun and agrees with the gender and number of that noun, like for examples:

  • Mon téléphone. My phone.
  • Ta veste. Your jacket.
  • Leurs amis. Their friends.

The possessive determiners ma, ta, sa become mon, ton, son in front of a noun starting with a vowel or a silent h such as:

  • Je cherche mon amie (instead of ma amie). I look for my friend.
  • C’est ton histoire (instead of ta histoire). It is your storie.
  • Elle parle de son école (instead of sa école). She speaks about her school.

Possessive pronouns

Here are in the table bellow the possessive pronouns in French:

MasculinFémininPlurielPossessive pronouns
Le mienLa mienneLes miens, les miennesMine
Le tienLa tienneLes tiens, les tiennesYours
Le sienLa sienneLes siens, les siennesHis, hers, its
Le nôtreLa nôtreLes nôtresOurs
Le vôtreLa vôtreLes vôtresYours
Le leurLa leurLes leursTheirs

Possessive pronouns replace a noun and agrees with the gender and number of the noun they replace, like for examples:

  • C’est ma veste. C’est la mienne. It is my jacket. It is mine.
  • Ce n’est pas mon téléphone, c’est le tien. It is not my phone, it is yours.
  • Ce sont nos livres, pas les leurs. They are our books, not theirs.

If you want to practise with exercises, you can do it here.

Find my other articles about the French pronouns here.

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