10 adverbs of frequency in French

Here are 10 common adverbs of frequency in French, how to pronounce them and how to use them in a sentence:

Tout le temps[tu le tɑ̃]All the time
De temps en temps[də tɑ̃ zɑ̃ tɑ̃]From time to time
Presque jamais[pʀɛsk ʒamɛ]Hardly ever
*IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet


  • Je bois toujours du café le matin. I always drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je bois habituellement du café le matin (formal). I usually drink coffee in the morning.
  • D’habitude je bois du café le matin (informal). I usually drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je bois souvent du café le matin. I often drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je bois régulièrement du café le matin. I regularly drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je bois parfois du café le matin. I sometimes drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je bois du café le matin de temps en temps. I drink coffee in the morning from time to time.
  • Je bois rarement du café le matin. I rarely drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je ne bois presque jamais de café le matin. I hardly ever drink coffee in the morning.
  • Je ne bois jamais de café le matin. I never drink coffee in the morning.

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