20 weather phrases in French

Here are 20 common weather phrases in French:

La météoIPA*The weather
Le beau tempsGood weather
Il fait beau[il fɛ bo]It’s sunny
Il fait chaud[il fɛ ʃo]It’s hot
Il fait très chaud[il fɛ tʀɛ ʃo]It’s very hot
Il fait bon[il fɛ bɔ̃]The weather is nice
Il fait doux[il fɛ du]It’s mild
Il fait frais[il fɛ fʀɛ]It’s cool
Il y a du soleil[il i ja dy sɔlɛj]It’s sunny
C’est ensoleillé[sɛ ɑ̃sɔleje]It’s sunny
Le mauvais tempsBad weather
Il fait mauvais[il fɛ mɔvɛ]The weather is bad
Il fait froid[il fɛ fʀwa]It’s cold
Il fait très froid[il fɛ tʀɛ fʀwa]It’s very cold
Il pleut[il plø]It’s raining
Il neige[il nɛʒ]It’s snowing
Il y a du vent[il i ja dy vɑ̃]It’s windy
Il y a des nuages[il i ja de nɥaʒ]It’s cloudy
Il y a de l’orage[il i ja də zɔʀaʒ]It’s stormy
Il y a du brouillard[il i ja dy bʀujaʀ]It’s foggy
Il y a de la brume[il i ja də la bʀym]It’s misty
C’est nuageux[sɛ nɥaʒø]It’s cloudy
C’est orageux[sɛ ɔʀaʒø]It’s stormy
C’est pluvieux[sɛ plyvjø]It’s rainy
*IPA : International Phonetic Alphabet

It is also frequent to hear French speakers saying “y’a” in an informal situation, instead of “il y a”, like for example:

  • Y’a du brouillard. It’s foggy.
  • Y’a beaucoup plu. It rained a lot.

Talking about temperature

Here are several ways to talk about temperature in French:

  • La température est d’environ 15°. The temperature is about 15°.
  • Il fait environ 15°. It is around 15°.
  • Il fait entre 15° et 18°. The temperature is between 15° and 18°.

Questions to ask about the weather

Alongside these weather phrases here are some common questions you can ask about the weather:

  • Quel temps il fait aujourd’hui chez toi ? What’s the weather like today where you are?

Il pleut ici. It rains here.

  • Quel temps il a fait pendant tes vacances ? What was the weather like during your holidays?

Il a fait beau et chaud presque tous les jours. It was sunny and warm almost everyday.

You can also ask:

  • Comment est la météo ? What is the weather like?
  • Est-ce qu’il fait beau ? Is the weather nice?
  • Quel temps il fait là-bas ? What is the weather like over there?

To finish, here are two other weather expressions that I like to use:

  • Ça caille (informal). It’s freezing.
  • On est trempé.e. We’re soaked/drenched.


To finish, here is a table with the seasons in French, how to pronounce them and their respective prepositions:

Les saisonsIPA*Seasons
Le printemps[lə pʀɛ̃tɑ̃]Spring
Au printemps[o pʀɛ̃tɑ̃]In spring
En été[ɑ̃ nete]In summer
En automne[ɑ̃ nɔtɔn]In autumn
En hiver[ɑ̃ nivɛʀ]In winter
*IPA : International Phonetic Alphabet

We make the liaison between “en” and “été”, “automne” and “hiver” (shown in bold).

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